
『Gordon Ramsay方子整理』3.Home-made Granola 自制即食早餐麦片

If you've never made your own granola, do try it. It's really healthy and so much cheaper and tastier than the versions you can buy in the shops. You can add any mix of seeds and nuts you like, even a bit of spice such as cinnamon. Goji berries are one of nature's superfoods and are full of vitamins and antioxidants.

200g runny honey (200g 蜂蜜
1 vanilla pod, split open and seeds scraped out (1个香草夹,划开刮出籽
300g jumbo rolled oats (300g 燕麦片
100g sugar-free puffed rice (100g 无糖爆米花*
4 tbsp wheat bran or oat bran (4汤匙麦麸或燕麦麸
100g whole almonds, blanched (100g 完整杏仁,沸水烫过
75g pumpkin seeds (75g 南瓜籽
75g sunflower seeds (75g 葵花籽
50g linseeds (50g 亚麻籽
pinch of sea salt (一撮盐
50g goji berries (50g 枸杞
50g dried cranberries (50g 蔓越莓干

-Preheat the oven to 180°C/Gas 4. Line a shallow baking tin with baking parchment.

-Put the honey and vanilla seeds in a small pan and heat gently, stirring to combine.

-Place the oats, puffed rice, bran, almonds and seeds in a mixing bowl. Pour in the honey mixture and stir well. Transfer to the prepared tin, sprinkle with a pinch of salt and bake for 25-30 minutes, stirring now and again to ensure even toasting, until crisp and golden.

-Once cooked, set aside to cool slight, then break into small pieces if necessary. Stir in the berries and, once cold, store in an airtight container until wanted.


到利村以后吃过各种神奇的即食麦片,果干啊椰子片啊加进去香香脆脆的都超级好吃,就经常被我当成零嘴来吃了hhhhhhhhhhh(不用介意orzzzz 这次有用到枸杞呢,感觉一下子健康高端起来了!主要是自己动手做的话想吃什么不想吃什么都可以随性增减,而且就是没有防腐剂啦,不过做完以后要尽早食用完毕倒是真的。♪(´ε` )

来自『Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Home Cooking』(今天换书啦~)渣翻译请谅解。
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